Assess Your Company’s Global Talent Mobility Capabilities
Global Talent Mobility is a strategic imperative for organizations looking to gain a competitive advantage. Assess your organization’s Global Talent Mobility readiness
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Section 1
Operational Efficiency
This section will assess your organization's degree of operational efficiency as it pertains to your overall global talent mobility capabilities – how effective you are in getting things done.
Did you know?
60% of companies asked about their organization’s approach to global mobility say they have reactive, basic to inconsistent processes.
Source: Topia Market Survey, Q1 2020
Section 1 of 4
Operational Efficiency
How would you describe your organisation's approach to global talent mobility overall?
Ad hoc and reactive with little standardization of processes or policies.
Basic processes for logistics of moves with some standardization.
Structured & well-functioning for most types of moves with standardization.
Optimized and strategic with deep integration with broader talent agenda.
Section 1 of 4
Operational Efficiency
How do you measure/define success for global talent mobility?
No structured assessment or metrics to measure success.
Basic metrics with success determined solely on employee satisfaction.
Multiple metrics based on employee satisfaction, cost adherence, etc.
Advanced metrics like cross-functional ROI with comprehensive visibility.
Section 1 of 4
Operational Efficiency
How integrated are your global talent mobility technology and vendor landscapes?
Not integrated. Data shared manually over email/secure sharing tools.
Light integrations for most critical systems – but mostly disconnected.
Integrations with majority of key systems and vendors (but not all).
Deep integrations with all key systems and partners.
Section 1 of 4
Operational Efficiency
What's the level of self-service you provide for your global talent mobility programs?
No or little self-service capability.
Basic information accessible via self-service, but limited action capabilities.
Self-service for global mobility teams. Limited functionality for business users.
Self-service functionality for all key stakeholders.
Section 1 of 4
Operational Efficiency
What portion of your operational processes are automated with technology?
No automation. All work done manually.
Some tasks automated, but still significant manual work done.
Majority of key tasks automated using technology.
All tasks automated with technology driving efficiency.
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Your Score
Operational Efficiency
You are Leading
In this section libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime.
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Section 2
Data Maturity
This section will assess your organization's ability to use data as the foundation for making improvement and optimization decisions.
Did you know?
50% of interviewees rate visibility and control over costs as “not optimized”.
Source: Topia Market Survey, Q1 2020
Section 2 of 4
Data Maturity
Describe the data culture of your organization
Not data-driven. Most decisions made based on experience and gut feel.
Data used when available, but not a primary focus.
Data core part of running the business with dashboards, etc.
Data-driven culture – drives all decisions.
Section 2 of 4
Data Maturity
How comprehensive and accessible is your global talent mobility data?
Data not comprehensive / inaccessible – incomplete and fragmented.
Some data available after significant manual effort.
Key data readily available and easy to access for mobility team.
All data available in real-time to mobility team, functions & employees.
Section 2 of 4
Data Maturity
What do you use your global talent mobility data for within your company?
Not using the data / don’t have good access.
Use data for basic reporting on performance after the fact.
Operational usage of data to track, manage moves. Address issues as they arise.
Operational usage of data plus data used to drive talent decisions for company.
Section 2 of 4
Data Maturity
How optimized is your global talent mobility spend (including tax, immigration, relocation services, payroll, etc.)?
Spend not optimized, tracked or managed – little consolidation of data.
Limited optimization with adjustments made every 3-5 years through RFP process.
Moderate optimization – some visibility of spend, adjustments made few times a year.
Highly optimized – full visibility of spend, technology optimization throughout the year.
Section 2 of 4
Data Maturity
Are you typically preventing policy issues or reacting after the fact?
Completely reactive and only identify issues after the fact.
Somewhat reactive with few basic steps in place but no prevention mechanisms.
Data and prevention processes in place only for highest-risk staff.
Highly proactive – issues prevented via integrated systems, vendors and processes.
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Your Score
Data Maturity
You are Leading
In this section libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime.
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Section 3
Compliance Management
This section will assess your organization's ability to stay compliant and predict, prevent and react to mobility compliance risk across the globe.
Did you know?
30% of interviewees say they have more compliance risk than they should for tax, immigration, and
Source: Topia Market Survey, Q1 2020
Section 3 of 4
Compliance Management
How likely is your global talent mobility function to pass an audit?
Unlikely to pass with significant critical shortcomings.
Likely to pass but with a number of significant risks and issues identified.
Pass with some visibility/data to manage risk adequately.
Pass with flying colors – best-in-class compliance and risk management.
Section 3 of 4
Compliance Management
How prepared are you for the shifting immigration requirements?
Unprepared with limited visibility of data and understanding of new requirements.
Somewhat prepared with significant manual effort needed with key gaps.
Mostly under control, but access to key information lacking.
Proficient – access to mobile and static employee data, and partners to minimize risk.
Section 3 of 4
Compliance Management
How prepared are you for increasing globalization and related tax complexity?
Unprepared. Don’t have the capability today.
Somewhat prepared with limited tracking mechanisms in place.
Prepared for core populations – some areas to address.
Proficient across the company with good tracking and data visibility.
Section 3 of 4
Compliance Management
How confident are you that you/your suppliers meet data tracking and security regulations (GDPR, etc.)?
Not confident. Significant gaps/risks.
Some confidence but still working through initiatives to address issues.
Adequately confident with rules in place, but some risks due to manual processes.
Very confident due to the level of technology and integration.
Section 3 of 4
Compliance Management
Have you paid any compliance penalties/fines within the last 24 months?
Significant penalties paid.
Limited penalties paid.
No penalties paid but concerned about future issues.
No penalties paid and very confident of compliance management.
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Your Score
Compliance Management
You are Leading
In this section libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime.
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Section 4
Employee Experience
This section will assess your organization's ability to develop, delight and retain your global workforce as they transition between roles and locations. This includes your technological prowess and self-service capabilities.
Did you know?
Less than 25% of polled companies rate their employees’ experience as very satisfied.
Source: Topia Market Survey, Q1 2020
Section 4 of 4
Employee Experience
Do you offer standard and or/tailored support for your employees and their families? (i.e., one size fits all vs. highly tailored)
No standard or tailored support in place. Ad hoc services and benefits.
Standard support only. One-size-fits-all.
Some basic flexibility on standard support policies.
Customized support – proactively adjust policies based on individual circumstances.
Section 4 of 4
Employee Experience
How is your employee retention after relocations or international assignments?
Poor retention or no data available to track retention post-move.
Moderate retention rates mostly in line with rest of business.
Good retention rates in line with rest of the business.
Above average retention rates with strong engagement during and post assignment.
Section 4 of 4
Employee Experience
How involved is the global talent mobility team across the employee lifecycle (hire, retain, develop, etc.)?
Limited involvement- only during operational relocation stages.
Reactive involvement to business needs/queries at various stages.
Proactive involvement in many stages of the employee lifecycle.
Extensive involvement and strategic input in all stages of the employee lifecycle.
Section 4 of 4
Employee Experience
How satisfied are your employees with their overall mobility experience?
Not satisfied– lot of negative feedback and/or don’t track employee satisfaction.
Somewhat satisfied with a few key areas of dissatisfaction that need resolution.
Satisfied overall with some opportunity for improvement.
Highly satisfied with consistently positive employee feedback.
Section 4 of 4
Employee Experience
In terms of technology, how would you describe the typical experience for your mobile employees?
Poor experience. Employees don’t have technology to support them.
Some basic employee-facing technology but fragmented and not comprehensive.
Elements of self-service platform, with modern user interface.
Best-in-class, personalized technology experiences with a premium UI.
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Your Score
Employee Experience
You are Leading
In this section libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime.
Global Talent Mobility Assessment
Your Global Talent Mobility Readiness Score
You are Leading
What Your Score Means
Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime. In this section libero tempore, cum soluta nobis. Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime. In this section libero tempore, cum soluta nobis. Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet.
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Talent Mobility Assessment Report